8 Aug 2012

Happy 1st Year Anniversary!

Wow. 1 year. It's not the longest relationship I've been in. But definitely the best. 1 year filled with happiness, sadness, disappointments, drama, anger, bliss, excitement and love. 

I'm suck a lucky person to have you in my life. I grew up and became more mature thanks to you. You give me hope and confidence. And without a doubt, you make me a better person.

So for everything, thank you. I can only hope I can give and return to you, what you've given and done for me. Hopefully, I'll have the rest of our lives to do so. :)

I love you.

1 Aug 2012

Putting in effort.

You said I didn't try. Well, I did try. And I am trying.

Amazingly enough, it happened today. Even though it's one day late, I talked to my parents. My whole family (excluding my younger brother) actually.

From now onwards, there's so much to do. So much preparations to be made.

So we need to be patient for now. But in time, I'm sure we'll get what we want.